czwartek, 7 kwietnia 2011

Ready to rock!? \m/

Music is with me everyday - when I'm on the bus, doing homework, drawing, or simply resting. I've made many friends thanks to the music I listen to and I've learned a variety of things from lyrics. I especially admire bands that present complex stories in their music, for instance, Blind Guardian (their album The Nightfall in the Middle World, which is based on Tolkien's works, is a masterpiece!) So how am I to choose only one favorite band?? ONE? That's impossible! I cannot fulfill this task properly - there are just too many outstanding artists on my list! That's why I'm going to present several groups/artists which have had a great impact on my life.

Warning!!! :  Pay attention to  genres - listen at your own risk!

country: USA
genre: hard rock/alternative metal

Disturbed - Stricken przez WBRNewMedia

country: Switzerland
language: Gaulish (!!!)
genre: Celtic metal

country: Denmark
genre: metalcore

Arch enemy
country: Sweden 
genre: melodic death metal

Billy Talent
country: Canada
genre: alternative rock

Billy Talent - Surrender przez Maynardziak

Blind Guardian
country: Germany
genre: power metal
clip from LOTR

System of a Down
country: USA/Armenia
genre: alternative metal/experimental rock
see also other projects made by the musicians: Scars on Broadway,  Serj Tankian's solo albums

country: South Africa
genre: post-grunge, alternative metal

country: Poland
language: English
genre: melodic black metal

Dir en Gray
country: Japan
language: Japanese, English
genre: experimental/progressive metal

country: USA
genre: nu metal


It is almost impossible to find any, and I mean ANY, positive news. It seems that our world is made only of crimes, wars, and tragedies.

Eventually, I've come across a very spellbinding story.


Almost 24 years ago, a small German boy wrote a short letter, put it a bottle, and threw into the Baltic Sea

The message said:
"My name is Frank and I'm five years old. My dad and I are traveling on a ship to Denmark. If you find this letter, please write back to me, and I will write back to you." 

To everyone's astonishment, Daniil, a 13-year-old Russian boy, found this message... last week! He even managed to contact the letter's author - Frank Uesbeck (who is now 29!!). Frank was extremely suprised that someone stumbled over the bottle, but decided to keep his childhood promise and wrote another letter to the finder. Frank and Daniil have become pen-friends.

Such incredible coinsidences  always stir my imagination. You never know what's waiting for you just around the corner!

Read more optimistic news on... Happy News!!